Sunday, 30 December 2007
Monday, 17 December 2007
Whose's "Lust and Caution" should it be?
The Golden Horse Prize finally announced the director Ang Lee's "Lust and Caution" won the best movie, best director, best actor and actress and other shortlisted 11 awards, there is no doubt that it is a great success for a movie like this. The sex scenes in the film left us a deep impression, and everyone is talking about it. But recently there is a set of photos being so hit on the internet- it is two children modifying the sex scenes in the film just in a corner of a residence block! In this the social environment of "no sex no show", we should really rethink about these adult films' influences on the innocent children. But what I am curious is, how can this movie affect the children? How can the children get access to this?
The two little children are kissing and touching each other in the joints and their behaviors are similar to some of the "indecent" scenes in "Lust and Caution". Being shocked, my heart is filled with misery. The children is growing without an ability of telling bad from good. Imitating is their nature. Whether their physical and mental growth is healthy or not is greatly depended on the things they imitate. When those sexy, violent, bloody scenes are filling the TVs, movies and the net, the general public, the media and the parents should act responsibly to protect the children from getting access to them. The innocent children should not be allowed to be injured. But nowadays, there are lots of film makers and media writers, who has been totally blinded by greedy minds, go crazy about the so-called "market-oriented pursuit", not even giving a little bit space to the children for their healthy growth but dragging them to muddy water. I think it is not only the children's tragedy, but also the whole society's.
Apart from analysing these photos are true or faked and whether they are made for fun or speculation, I think the one who took these photographs and openly displayed them on the internet is a shameless person. Why don't you put up a filming location, time and also your names and contact telephone number as someone offering 500,000 yuan to realize their "becoming famous overnight" dreams in the Spring Festival Party? This is obviously a despicable behavior hurting children, and what's more, it is possible directed by someone! Where is your moral conscience?!
We can't blame the children. What do you suppose that these two little children know? Is it every child's nature to satisfy their curiosity, to explore and they are good at imitating. The problem is, parents are the child's first teachers. In this situation, I can't help asking: where is our family education? Schools are bases for children's knowledge seeking. In this situation, I can't help asking: where is the school eduation? Society is the environment for the children's development. In this situation, I can't help asking: where is the social moral sense?
I have so many questions in my minds and I can't find the answers.
Children are the future of a country. No matter how we struggle in the madding society, how numbe we are in such a material world and how frustrated we are, please, just leave some space to let our children grow up happily and healthily!
Friday, 7 December 2007
Pigs and the government

Monday, 3 December 2007
How should we establish our national self-confidence?

Does it sound like another CCTV Chinese Spring Festival evening party?
Thursday, 29 November 2007
The poor can't afford the universities is because the fee is too low?

As a well-known economist, Professor Zhang Weiying's idea of using this economic means to put the solutions is a bit too ridiculous in my opinion. In the present China, it is not implemented. Professor Zhang's prescription obviously detached from the national conditions, is divorced from the reality.
To achieve the ideal purpose of Professor Zhang, there must be an important premise- there should be sufficient rich people to bear the high tuition fees, at the same time, we should make sure that all the poor students can receive adequate subsidies. That is to say, China should have sufficient proportion of high-income groups. For example, in the face of high fares, more than 50 per cent of students' families can easily bear the high tuition, 20 to 30 percent of them can barely bear, and the remaining 20 to 30 percent of the students complete their studies through various subsidies. Only in a ratio like this is there a possibility of Pro.Zhang's "really good system".
However, the current level of our national income is far unable to bear a heavier burden of education. Statistics show that the poverty ratio in national key institutions exceeds 20% currently, and it is as high as 35 percent in study fields like agriculture, forestry, Normal and underdeveloped areas in West China Universities. What’s more, the "poor students" I am referring here, is basically the one who rely on relief, grants and other financial support to continue their studies and does not include other students who are facing economic difficulties. If the tuition increase five-fold, then what would the ratio be? 50%? 60% ? 70%? or even more? How many families are able to afford school fees?
Apparently, in the actual circumstances of national income (many of the income statistics are "averaged" by the wealthy) with such a large low-income groups in China, we can only increase the "fair distribution of the first" to solve the problem, that is to say, lower the tuition fee as much as possible, because only in this way can the majority of students' families bear the cost. If divorced from the reality of national income, just one-sided emphasis on use of economic means to solve the problem of poor students going to school might arouse the suspicion of the speaker's motivation - after all, the first beneficiary of the increasing tuition is the university, not others.
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Who killed the young pregnant woman?

At 16:00 on November 21, a 41-week pregnant woman Li-Yun Li was in a critical condition because of dystocia. Her husband Zhijun Xiao sent her to Chaoyang Hospital. Li-Yun Li was diagnosed as "full-term pregnancy, severe pneumonia, acute respiratory failure, acute heart failure," and an immediate need for Caesarean section. According to the rules, any surgery, patients or their families must be agreed for the signing. As Li-Yun Li has been in a coma, Zhijun Xiao become the only person entitled to a signature. When the doctor passed the surgery agreement to Zhijun Xiao, an unexpected situation emerged - Zhijun Xiao rejected. The reason he rejected was that "the only job you should do is trying to cure her disease, she will be fine!" "We are here for just a cold, not for a birth to a child, she won't do that in a month." "My wife is just suffering a cold, just give her some medicine", "Don't do the surgery, otherwise we will not be able to have a second child in the future."
After 3-hour-long argument between the husband and the hospital, the tragedy is inevitable. At 7:20PM, the 22-year-old Li-Yun Li died because of a serious respiratory, heart and lung failure. According to the report posted by
It is anomal that Zhijun Xiao refused to sign, but also, it is a certain inevitable. The fact is that Zhijun Xiao is very poor. He was wearing a dark blue old T-shirt, shoes full of mud, he was wearing a huge cheap electronic watches on his wrists. He said that it is his wife's desire going to Beijing as "she said it would be easier to find a job in big city." When they firstly arrived in Beijing last December, he worked as a security with a 750 yuan monthly wage. This year, in November, he went to a hotel in west Beijing washing dishes, the monthly wage is 700 yuan. "No savings, spend a whole." Xiao said even his wife's pregnant, she has never been seen with specialized maternity hospitals. Just because his wife's flu, they visited two small clinics. The pressure of life make them drift as a wireless kite in the city. Their hearts are full of frustration and despair for living in a big city with a low income. Facing the unexpected pressure, the economic distress, the loss feelings of social care, the trouble couples almost crumble, which lead a greater tragedy finally.
In my opinion, just use the words like "selfish", "insensitive", "the lack of medical knowledge" to condemn Xiao is obviously not enough. No one can be so relentless is front of the imminent loss of his wife and child. So, why Xiao refused to sign? The answer seems cruel and simple. Xiao said: "My wife is just suffering from a flu, drug treatment will make her better, and they can give the birth to their children by themselves. I would also like to have a second child in the future. If I sign, the hospital would not give her pills. I have no money." Obviously, Xiao's fear of poverty made his blindly resistance, and ultimately let the young pregnant woman lose her life.
On the other side, just imagine, if the hospital is more humanitarian and to do everything possible to work on, perhaps the pregnant women would not be killed. "If families do not signed, not surgery." If everyone mechanical implementates the rules, or unwilling to play a responsibility, this kind of tragedy will surely be difficult to avoid. I think, this should be the most profound warning of this case.
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Original Thanksgiving Day

A pilgrim is a person who makes a journey for religious reasons and in 1608 a group of people in search of their own church left England and moved to the Netherlands. Unfortunately, their years in the Netherlands didn't produce the freedom they had hoped to find. Although the people were kind to them, they wished to remain English and saw their children becoming more and more like the people of the Netherlands. Wanting to keep their heritage intact, they decided to move again. They looked for a place where they could have their own church and live as English men and women.
The London Company was looking for settlers for the New World of North America. They were willing to pay the cost of starting a settlement. In exchange, the Pilgrims would repay them for seven years with food, furs, and other goods from the new land. With their plans made, one hundred people crowned onto a tiny ship called the Mayflower and set sail to America, hoping to land in Virginia. After enduring more than 60 days at sea and because of storms and high winds, the Mayflowers did not land in Virginia as planned. They had been blown about 100 miles off course, landing on the sandy beaches of Cape Cod on November 9, 1620.
This unfortunate mistake caused a new host of problems for the Pilgrims. The London Company did not own land that far north and the Pilgrims did not have permission to settle there. They couldn't turn back and it was too late in the year to try and reach Virginia. Snow had already fallen. Winter was coming. Before anyone left the ship an agreement was made. The Mayflower Compact set up the first government for the new colony. The 41 men on board the Mayflower signed it and chose John Carver to be their governor.
The Pilgrims settle an area just a little west of Cape Cod. It was called Plymouth. It had a great harbor and much of the land had already been cleared by the Indians. Despite the good location of their new settlement, the Pilgrims were woefully unprepared for the conditions. Their first winter in the new land was a hard one. They did not have enough food and by March over half of the colonists had died. Following the death of John Carver, a new governor was elected. The determined colonists elected William Bradford.
In March, shortly after Bradford was elected, a tall Indian by the name of Samoset entered Plymouth colony. He greeted a shocked Bradford and the remaining colonists in the English he had learned from fishermen who came to North America before. Samoset introduced the Pilgrims to the local Indians who lived in New England. They wanted to make friends with the English. Massasoit, the leader of the Indians, and Governor Bradford were successful in creating a treaty that kept the peace for 50 years.
Squanto, another English speaking Indian, stayed on and lived at the settlement. He taught the settlers to rake clams at low tide and how to tap the sap of the Maple trees to make maple syrup. He taught them which plants were good to eat and how to grow corn. The settlers had never seen corn before. He also showed them the best places to hunt deer and beaver. William Bradford believed that Squanto was a sign that God had answered their prayers.
Spirits were high for the settlers as they watched their young corn crops spring from the ground, but as the summer months dragged on there was little to no rain in their first summer in 1621. The dusty ground was parched and the plants started to dry out in the sun. With the starvation and harshness of the previous winter still fresh in their minds, everyone worried. They set aside a day of prayer to ask God to bring rain to their land. Bradford wrote, "The answer was gracious and speedy. Sweet and gentle showers began to fall that same evening."
The crops not only survived, but thrived. Their harvest was good that autumn. The Pilgrims would have ample food to get them through the next winter. The Mayflower returned to England carrying a small load of beaver skins that were sold at auction to help pay off the colonists' debt to the London Company.
The Colonists had asked God for his help and, without failing, God provided. They again set aside a day of thanksgiving. They invited their new friends and neighbors to share in their good fortune. Massasoit joined them with about 90 more Indians and they gave thanks to God for the good harvest. Their feast lasted for three days. On their menu were lobsters, clams, eels, wild turkey, duck, geese, cornbread, fruit, berries, and other foods. The colonists had much to be thankful for. They thanked God for their lives, newly found friendships, good harvests, and the blessings of building the community of their dreams.
This is the origin of our annual Thanksgiving Day celebration. Congress of the United States has proclaimed National Days of Thanksgiving to Almighty God many times.
So it is that on Thanksgiving Day each year, Americans give thanks to Almighty God for all His blessings and mercies toward us throughout the year.
Monday, 19 November 2007
Chinese young people's life goals become diversified

“I don't want to idle away my life. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to Beijing,” said Wang, one of my friends, who gained his master degree 2 years ago from Wuhan University.
Before he went to Beijing, Wang worked in a medium size hospital as a doctor in Wuhan. The job was stable and the hospital was not far away from his home. He didn't have to work for extra hours and when festivals came, he could even get some extra money. However, he felt the life was boring.
The work was not exciting at all. Everyday in the hospital, Wang had nothing to do except checking on his patients. In February, this year, Wang quitted his job without consulting his parents beforehand. He went to Beijing with all the savings he made during his sixteen months' work. When he arrived in Beijing, he set his new goal as finding a good job. And now he is working as a sales manager, which has nothing to do with his major. But he is satisfied with the challenge, and of course the pay.
I think everybody has his/her own life goals, which will be surely different from people to people. When one doesn't have something, one will work hard to try to get it and that will become one's life goal. If one is poor, one's life goal will be to earn more money; if one doesn't have a diploma, studying hard to get a diploma will become one's life goal; and if one doesn't have love, one's life goal will be to look for it. If one has everything one needs, one will complain that one has no goals to strive for in one's life.
But in fact, everybody will surely find something that is interesting to him/her. Today, some young people who were born in the 1980s have already made a fortune in their life. In addition, there are some other young people have started to manage their own business on the strength of the wealth inherited from their parents. Their stories of success have prompted more young people to work hard in life. These young people who have achieved success in life have set a good example for other young people and prompted them to realize their own values.
The fact that more and more people want to live a better life shows that the society is making progress and people's life goals have become more practical. Let’s just wait and see what would happen to Chinese young generation. After all, they are the hope of our nation’s future.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Chinese people defend traditional family values

In doing the research, CASS tried to find out to what degree Chinese people felt harmonious in their state of mind. In doing it, CASS listed four criteria that were used to judge a person's mental harmony: self-satisfaction, interpersonal relationship, family relationship and attitude towards society. Interpersonal relationship is regarded as the most important among the four. Of the four criteria included in the research, family atmosphere won the most score, indicating that Chinese people are most satisfied with their family relationships. And a harmonious family relationship helps raise people's general condition with regard to their mental harmony.
When society is undergoing transformation, Chinese poeple's family structure has also undergone great changes. Despite this, many people still respect traditional values that focus on family harmony.
Compared with other aspects, Chinese people like to devote more energy to maintaining their families and as a result, they tend to get more support and help from their families.
Friday, 9 November 2007
Blogging and Privacy
Formerly viewed as a marginal activity restricted to the technically savvy, blogging is slowly becoming more of a mainstream phenomenon on the Internet. Thanks to much media hype and some high profile blog sites, these online journals have captured the public’s imagination. As novice authors plunge into the thrilling world of blog publishing, they soon realize that publicly writing about one’s life and interests is not as simple as it might seem at first. As they become prolific writers, more bloggers find themselves having to deal with issues of privacy and liability. Accounts of bloggers either hurting friends’ feelings or losing jobs because of materials published on their sites are becoming more frequent.
Fernanda Viégas’ blog survey
In an online survey conducted by Fernanda Viégas (2004) between January 14th and January 21st, 2004, 55% of bloggers identify themselves on their sites; 76% of bloggers do not limit access (i.e. readership) to their entries in any way. “When blogging about people they know personally, 66% of respondents almost never asked permission to do so; whereas, only 9% said they never blogged about people they knew personally”, and 36% of respondents have gotten in trouble because of things they have written on their blogs.
As we can see from the statistic above, we can easily know that - if you blog, there are no guarantees you'll attract a readership of thousands, but at least a few readers will find your blog, and they may be the people you'd least want or expect. These include potential or current employers, coworkers, and professional colleagues; your neighbors; your spouse or partner; your family; and anyone else curious enough to type your name, email address or screen name into Google or Feedster and click a few links.
So, how could we blog safely in this age of blogging?
Blogging Anonymously?
According to Electronic Frontier Foundation (2005), “The best way to blog and still preserve some privacy is to do it anonymously”. EFF offered a few simple precautions to help us maintain control of our personal privacy:
·Use a Pseudonym and Don't Give Away Any Identifying Details - include things like where you're located, how many employees there are, and the specific sort of business you do.
·Use Anonymizing is a service that offers anonymous blog hosting for free; offers a product called "Anonymous Surfing," which routes your Internet traffic through an anonymizing server and can hide your IP address from the services hosting your blog.
·Use Ping Servers - If you want to protect your privacy while getting news out quickly, try using ping servers to broadcast your blog entry for you.
·Limit Your Audience - designate individual posts or your entire blog as available only to those who have the password, or to people whom you've designated as friends.
·Don't Be Googleable- create a special file (robots.txt, or a Robots Text File) that tells these search services to ignore your domain.
·Register Your Domain Name Anonymously
Being Anonymous is impossible?
“The best way to blog is to do it anonymously”. But on the other side, being anonymous isn't as easy as you might think. John M. Grohol(2005) gave us different opinions:
·“What You Write Stays Around Forever”
If you're writing in a public blog, once that writing is indexed by search engines (which happens automatically and continuously), your entry may be cached forever. While you may take measures to try and undo the damage later on, your task will be far greater at that time (and may be impossible). While many people are aware of the large search engines that cache online documents, such as the Internet Archive and Google, few know there are dozens of other services that are less well-known that also store cached documents. Getting these copies removed a decade from now will take a lot of legwork, emails, and frustrating phone calls.
·“Pseudonyms Don't Mean You're Anonymous”
Many people believe they are protecting themselves online by using a pseudonym, a made-up name that they use as their online identity. The problem with this belief is that all too often, people use the same pseudonym for many different places they travel online. If you don't use different pseudonyms for different situations or purposes online, you're likely to make your identity fairly easy to discover.
·“Identifying Information While Blogging”
Even if you play it safe and use a pseudonym you haven't used anywhere else online, you need to be cognizant of the details you give of your life. Details about where you live, what you do in your free time, where you hang out, all of that information makes it relatively easy for someone researching a real person to connect it to the online identity. Meanwhile, how can you guarantee that anyone else writing about you has also given you a unique pseudonym?
Conclusion:It is your choice
In the late 1990's, the head of a large Internet computer company made the statement, “Privacy is dead, get over it.” There's some truth to that statement, that in order to ensure one's privacy, one should never make a single public utterance or statement. For absolute privacy, say nothing online. However, that is not a realistic strategy in this day and age. The Internet is the great communicator vehicle, and it will not be silenced simply because of privacy issues. Instead, all one has to do is to think about these issues now, before you leaving a serious imprint online. Even if you've already started, it's not too late to create new, separate identities, erase as much vestiges of the old ones, and be more careful in the future.
Privacy is as much a state of mind as it a set of techniques or actions you can take. If you begin to think of your life as a private entity, one where you're willing to let certain people share certain parts of it, you'll gain a greater confidence in how to share online. Blogging is supposed to be fun and interesting. You don't have to be a naked, open book to take part in the fun and excitement of blogging. But if you do choose that route, just be aware the long-term consequences of your decision and the potential issues it may raise for you in the future. You have many choices available to you, so take a few minutes to choose wisely.